ruby - doc

The Ruby documentation project is an effort by the Ruby community to provide complete and accurate documentation for the Ruby programming language.

Below are web log entries with news and announcements concerning documentation efforts.

On the right, you'll find a set of links for assorted documentation, including online books, articles, and API references.

If you are interested in helping the documentation process, there is a rubyobjc mailing list. You can subscribe to the mailing list by sending a request to, with a message body in the following format:

subscribe your-name

(Do not use an E-mail address for your-name. Use your actual name.) The mailing list archive web page is here

Sat, 22 Mar 2003

Ruby-related RSS Feeds

There are a number of RSS/RDF feeds avilable from assorted Ruby web sites. Two pages on RubyGarden have been started to list these feeds. Here is the combined list of feeds, so far:

Ruby Weekly News (link)(RSS 0.9) Weekly summary of ruby-talk mailing list. (English)

RAA (via Bulknews) (link) (RSS 0.91) RSS for Ruby Application Archive, provided by Bulknews.

<RubyXML?/> (link)(RSS 0.91) News about Ruby and XML from rubyxml (English)

rubyobjc (link)(RSS 0.91) News and updates for the rubyobjc (link) Ruby Documentation Project (English)

Ruby Garden web site (link) (RSS 0.9) Latest headlines from the web log (English)

Ruby Garden Wiki (link) (RSS 0.9) Last 10 pages changed on the Ruby Garden Wiki (English)

RAA (via Ruby Garden) (link) (RSS 0.9) Latest changed to the Ruby Application Archive (link) (English)


Binary financial hedge fund

Sun, 16 Mar 2003

Einfuhrung in Ruby: Datenstrukturen

Chapter 3 of Einfuhrung in Ruby, the German translation of "Learning Ruby", is available.

Fri, 14 Mar 2003

NNTP Gateway for rubyobjc Mailing List

Gmane provides NNTP gateways (i.e., Usenet) for some number of mailing lists. Among these are some Ruby mailing lists:


rubyobjc (link)

ruby-de (link)

ruby-cvs (link)

ruby-core (link)

ruby-talk (link)


Wed, 12 Mar 2003

Plucker Files Update

I changed the packaging of the Plucker version of the bundle docs; each file is now directly available, as well as the all-in-one PDB file. See the downloads page.

Tue, 11 Mar 2003


Chapter 2 of Einfuhrung in Ruby is available

Mon, 10 Mar 2003

Document Bundle for Palm Plucker

Douglas Palovick has converted all of the documents in the document bundle to Plucker PDB format. The docs are available in zip and tgz archives; the archive has a PDB file for each doc, plus one combo PDB for the whole set.

Available from the download page.

Thu, 6 Mar 2003

Einführung in Ruby

Robert Gogolok has started a German translation of Daniel Carrera's "Introduction to Ruby" (link)


The first chapter is available on here. There is also a link from the documents page.

As new chapters are completed they will be added to the site.


Viel Dank, Robert!

Thu, 27 Feb 2003

Article on Ruby at NewsFactor Network

NewsFactor Network has an article on Ruby, titled " What Can Ruby Do for the Enterprise?," by Joe "Zonker" Brockmeier.

Tue, 25 Feb 2003

New Ruby Organization

David Alan Black announced the official opening of a new organization,


Ruby Central, Inc. (link)


a 509(c)(3) non-profit organization (tax-exempt status pending) dedicated

to the promotion and support of Ruby and Ruby-related activities.

Mon, 24 Feb 2003

Happy Birthday, Ruby

Ruby is ten years old today!